Saudi Arabia

According to Bob Woodward's upcoming book, Trump was willing to overlook Jamal Khashoggi's murder as long as Saudi Arabia kept the money flowing.
Western intelligence agencies, including the C.I.A., have said Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bears ultimate responsibility for the killing.
From the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to their nemesis Iran, foreign powers made Yemen especially vulnerable to COVID-19 and aren't helping enough.
Saudi forces killed an activist protesting displacement for a futuristic megacity. The project's board features high-profile Americans who remain silent on the shooting.
The group of nations agreed to cut 9.7 million barrels a day beginning May 1 in hopes of boosting crashing oil prices amid the pandemic, officials said.
76-year-old Hussain Siddiqui had returned from Saudi Arabia and was put in isolation when he showed symptoms.
The worlds biggest oil exporter is attempting to punish Russia, the worlds second-largest producer, for not supporting the production cuts proposed by OPEC.
The Saudi decision expands a ban last week on foreigners visiting Mecca and Medina, home to the holiest sites in Islam.
The nurse tested positive for coronavirus, but was not infected with Wuhan strain, the Indian Consulate in Jeddah said.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman allegedly personally hacked into the phone of the Washington Post owner in 2018, according to media reports.