
A.J. Forget

Guest Writer

A.J. Forget is a modern nomad, living out of a 90-square-foot bus named Sweet Bea and traveling across the United States full time.In the autumn of 2017, Forget left a career as a wildland firefighter in order to pursue his other passions of cooking, travel, and writing.He is a self-taught chef, creating gourmet fare in his tiny kitchen with a three-burner stove and no oven. Forget wrote "The Buslife Kitchen"cookbook to show others that cooking international cuisine in a tiny kitchen is simple and anyone can do it, whether in a bus, van, RV, or boat. Forgetlives with his wife Ayana and their dog, Tori. When he does park for an extended period of time, he considers Boulder, Colorado, his home base. To learn more, please You can alsofollow him on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok

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