
Amy Malloy

Writer and mum on a mission for healthier, kinder minds for mums at

Amy Malloy is a mum on a mission: to create healthier, more self-compassionate minds for mums. An Oxford graduate, she has ten years of educational publishing and consultancy under her belt. Amid the strains of juggling family illness, a stressful job and fertility battles, she found solace in mindfulness and meditation, and never looked back. Until she had a baby, that is. When she was eventually able to start a family, she was taken aback by the onslaught of maternal guilt and unsolicited advice. All she could do was watch meekly from the sofa as the healthier mindset she had developed flew out the window. She recovered her marbles and ever since has been on a mission to support new parents and parents-to-be in navigating the brave new world of parenthood. She isn't a monk, nor does she practice yoga in a zen garden every morning. She is just a normal mum on a mission to lose the word 'should' for good. Follow her blog at

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