
Relentless Bill Robinson

Business, Technology, Politics & Rock 'n Roll Journalist

Relentless Bill lives in the New York area and has written columns, articles and cover stories for Fortune Small Business, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Huffington Post, Marketing Magazine (UK), The Financial Times, Cisco Systems iQ Magazine,, The Register, The Moscow Times, United Airlines Hemispheres Magazine and Upside Magazine, among others; while his new TechScape, BizScape and Backstage Pass columns on The Huffington Post are winning broad accolades. (Note: Bills On Location columns for Upside won multiple prestigious ASBPE awards.) He has appeared frequently on CNN, Fox News, PBS, Bloomberg, BBC World and had his own segment on SKY News. He also speaks, moderates and chairs technology, marketing and business conferences worldwide.In traveling the world as a journalist, Bill Robinson has learned about Business, Technology, the Wireless phenomenon and future telecommunications technologies that he is sure will shape our future world. During the two years he wrote his On Location column for Upside Magazine and then in writing his column on next-generation devices for The Wall Street Journal Europe, Bill has traveled to over 90 cities in 52 countries covering technology, biotech, venture capital/investment, incubators, economic development, the Internet, hardware, software, wireless technologies, Bluetooth, the media and convergence devices of the future for his writings and SKY News segment. Bill has interviewed more than 200 Global CEO's and many luminaries in business, technology and science including: Professor Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate; Bob Pittman, former CEO of AOL & COO of AOL/Time-Warner now Chairman of Clear Channel; Sven-Christer Nilsson, former CEO of Ericsson; Sir Arthur C. Clarke while in Colombo, Sri Lanka for SKY News; Ambassador Andrew Young; Lord Tim Bell; Marc Andreessen, founder of Netscape; Jim Yost, CIO of Ford Motor Company; Jan Carlzon, former CEO of SAS Airlines and management legend; Charles Schwab for PBS; Linus Torvalds, founder of Linux; Ray Kurzweil; Dean Kamen; and Vint Cerf, a Father of the Internet; among others. Bill now counts these important men as friends.Bill believes hes the only person ever to interview the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Vint Cerf, Ray Kurzweil and Dean Kamen.In addition to writing the TechScape and new BizScape columns for The Huffington Post, Bill has written extensively on Conservative politics. He continues to write, speak and appear on TV about those political issues which are near and dear to him.Bill also writes the regular Backstage Pass column for HuffPo which transports the readers backstage to get to meet their rock n roll heroes and get to know them better. Recently, Bill started a new regular column, American Hero Stories because he firmly believes we dont pay enough attention to the sacrifice our military heroes and their families make for us.In January of 2015, Bill was honored that his HuffPo writing had been nominated for the 2015 Pulitzer Prize. (He didn't win; not even close.)

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