
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

Guest Writer

Mariann Edgar Budde serves as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington DC. The first woman elected to this position, she also serves as the chair and president of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, which oversees the ministries of the Washington National Cathedral. A passionate believer in the gospel of Jesus, Bishop Budde is committed to the spiritual and public witness of the Episcopal Church. She believes that Jesus calls all who follow him to strive for justice and peace, and to respect the dignity of every human being. Prior to her election in 2011, she served for 18 years as rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church in Minneapolis. She earned a B.A. in history at the University of Rochester, graduating magna cum laude. She earned both a Masters in Divinity (1989) and Doctor of Ministry (2008) from Virginia Theological Seminary. Her sermons have been published in several books and journals and she is the author of two books, Receiving Jesus: The Way of Love (2019) and Gathering Up the Fragments: Preaching as Spiritual Practice (2007).

February 18, 2013

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