
Cassandra Marcella Metzger

JD, MA, RYT, founder of Wellspring Stones - the online oasis for those living with illness.

Cassandra Marcella Metzger, JD, MA, RYT is the creator and founder of Wellspring Stones - the online oasis for those living with illness. After she struggled to find accessible and applicable help on how to live well with illness, she decided to prove that living well while ill wasnt an oxymoron. She advocates to give voice to the shame and suffering of those who are chronically ill and struggling without help, without resources and without attention. She designed a 21 Day Wellness Stones Celebration to inspire you to start taking small steps towards living better and to mark the official launch of Wellspring Stones in August 2016. Find out more at Wellspring Stones .

This online oasis for those living with illness strives to ease suffering by providing a safe sanctuary to alleviate the isolation and offering smart and services grounded in the reality of illness. She integrates her knowledge of western literature with her competence in yoga and meditation in order to advance lifestyle skills, promote peace of mind and nurture beauty and joy. Her goal is to create ease, build resilience and spark spirit. And her mission is to give voice to the invisible, choice-less agony to those living with mercurial, mysterious and misunderstood chronic disease.

Cassandra is a former PBS attorney, yoga and meditation teacher as well as a writer. She studied history at Vassar College, law at American University and creative writing at Johns Hopkins. A yogini since 1994, she completed her yoga teaching certification at Om Yoga Center in Manhattan in 2003. Also in 2003 Judith Hanson Lasater, the leading teacher of restorative yoga, certified her as a Relax and Renew teacher. She is currently studying to teach Prana Vinyasa style yoga created by Shiva Rea.

Previously, for over 10 years, she owned and operated nilambu a personal yoga studio. Nilambus mission was to make yoga possible and accessible for all so that clients could develop a practice that was meaningful, responsive and aware. The studio developed and offered complementary material on yogic lifestyle beyond the physical postures, and she created extensive web resources on yoga.

She lives and works in Washington DC where she loves meeting people from all over the world. And because she loves discussing politics with the smartest cab drivers anywhere. They can debate not only because they listen to NPR all day but often have advanced degrees from universities in other countries. She loves learning and teaching through yoga and writing.

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