
Chelsie Ardelan

Aspiring millionaire, horrible housekeeper but a wonderful cook and mom.

My husband and I are just the typical average twenty-something couple.. A.K.A. We spend most of our time at home eating on the couch or playing on the floor with our daughter. Mainly because we're too broke to go do fun things and also because we love our dogs too much to be gone. We are hard-working people that see little return because we're paying off those lovely student loans but have high hopes to be rich. I spend too much time in the Target dollar section buying unnecessary items but it's okay because they're like dollar alright? We play rock paper scissors over dirty diapers and indulge in too much pizza. He likes beer and I like rum and he lets me eat all the carbs I want. Perfect marriage. Our baby prefers to growl at strangers vs. wave and loves to wake us up at 6 am. Perfect Baby.

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