
Kelly Flanagan

Clinical psychologist, father, author, blogger, and collector of all things redemptive.

Kelly graduated with his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Penn State University and is co-founder of Artisan Clinical Associates in Naperville, IL. Several years ago, he began the now popular blog, UnTangled, where he writes weekly about how to live redemptive stories right now. Kelly is married to another clinical psychologist named Kelly, because they decided to make life even more complicated than it already is. They have three children, and they have a deal with their kids: they teach the kids how to grow up, and the kids teach them how to grow young again. So far, it's not clear who is helping who the most. Kelly's writing has been featured in Reader's Digest, he has appeared on the TODAY Show with his daughter, and he is the author of LOVEABLE: Embracing What Is Truest About You So You Can Truly Embrace Your Life.

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