
Dr. Martha Tara Lee

Clinical Sexologist and Relationship Coach

Founder of Eros Coaching, Dr. Martha Tara Lee is a Clinical Sexologist with a doctorate in human sexuality. She also holds certificates in counselling, coaching and sex therapy. In practice for seven years now, she is the only certified sexuality educator by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) in Singapore. This accolade is only for those who meet the stringent requirements determined by AASECT, which is the leading professional organization for sexuality educators, sexuality counselors and sex therapists in the United States.Often cited in the media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Mens Health Singapore, and Mens Health Malaysia. She was recognised as one of Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40 by Her World in July 2010, and one of Top 100 Inspiring Women by CozyCot in March 2011. She has published two books: Love, Sex and Everything In-Between, and Orgasmic Yoga.Martha works with individuals and couples in private coaching sessions, and conducts her own workshops. She takes prides in making sure all her workshops are also fun, educational, and sex-positive. This comes easily to her because even though she is extremely dedicated and serious about her work, she fundamentally believes that sex is meant to be fun, wonderful, amazing and sacred. As such, this serious light-heartedness has shone through again and again.

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