
Michael Hodin

CEO, Global Coalition on Aging

Michael W. Hodin, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the Global Coalition on Aging, Managing Partner at High Lantern Group, and a Fellow at Oxford Universitys Harris Manchester College. He is also a featured blogger The Fiscal Times, under the Age and Reason Blog. From 1976-80, Mike was Legislative Assistant to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. During this period he was also a Visiting Scholar at Brookings Institution, on U.S. Foreign Economic Policy. He was a senior executive at Pfizer, Inc. for 30 years, where he created and then led its International Public Affairs and Public Policy operations.Mike is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and from 2010-2013, was Adjunct Senior Fellow. He sits on the Boards of the Foreign Policy Association, the Business Council for International Understanding, The NYC Blood Center, the American Skin Association, the American Society on Aging, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, Emigrant Savings Bank The Partners for a Livable Community Aging in Place Advisory Council, and on the World Economic Forums Global Agenda Council on Ageing.Mike holds a BA, cum laude, Cornell University, International Relations from The London School of Economics and Political Science, and M.Phil and Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University.Mike is married, has two daughters and lives in New York City.

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