
E. J. R. David, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology; Author of "Brown Skin, White Minds" and Editor of "Internalized Oppression: The Psychology of Marginalized Groups"

E.J.R. David was born in the Philippines by Kapampangan and Tagalog parents, and grew up in Pasay, Las Pinas, Makati, and Barrow, Alaska. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of Alaska Anchorage (2002), and Master of Arts (2004) and Doctoral (2007) Degrees in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. David is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Alaska Anchorage, with his primary duties being with the PhD Program in Clinical-Community Psychology that has a Rural, Cultural, and Indigenous Emphasis.

Dr. David has traveled to various states as an invited workshop facilitator,speaker, and presenter on Ethnic Minority, Asian American, and FilipinoAmerican psychological issues since 2002. He has published theoretical andempirical works on Internalized Oppression or Colonial Mentality. His first book is "Brown Skin, White Minds: Filipino -/ American Postcolonial Psychology" (Information Age Publishing), which focuses on colonial mentality and its psychological implications among Filipino Americans. Dr. David's most recent book is "Internalized Oppression: The Psychology of Marginalized Groups" (Springer Publishing), which is the first book to highlight the universality of internalized oppression, but at the same time acknowledges its unique manifestations and implications for various groups such as African Americans, Latinas/os, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, Alaska Natives, women, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community, and people with disabilities. Dr. David is also a contributor to Psychology Today, periodically writing about the psychology of race, ethnicity, and culture.

Dr. David was the 2007 recipient of the American Psychological Association (APA) Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45) Distinguished Student Research Award "for his significant contribution in psychological research related to ethnic minority populations." In 2012, due to the impact of his work in only five years since obtaining his Ph.D., Dr. David was honored by the APA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) with the Early Career Award in Research for Distinguished Contributions to the Field of Racial and Ethnic Minority Psychology, citing his "outstanding scientific contributions and the application of this knowledge toward the improved mental and physical well-being of people of color." In 2013, he was also chosen to receive the Asian American Psychological Association Early Career Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research. In 2014, he was honored by the Alaska Psychological Association with the "Cultural Humanitarian Award for Exemplary Service and Dedication to Diversity, and in 2015 he was inducted as a Fellow by the Asian American Psychological Association for Unusual and Outstanding Contributions to Asian American Psychology. Although currently living in Seattle, Dr. David's home is Anchorage, Alaska. He and his wife have three children - Malakas (strong), Kalayaan (freedom), and Kaluguran (love).

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