
Erin McElroy

Author, Photographer, Changemaker: inspiring and facilitating change. Connect at Erin inspires and facilitates change in the world without and the world within. She combines her professional experience guiding organizations through change in the corporate setting with her personal experience of transformation and creative practices to help individuals and groups influence change in their own lives and in the world around them. Her home base is at

Erin inspires change through writing, photography, speaking engagements and creative collaboration projects designed to influence change.

Erin facilitates change through working with individuals one on one who are looking to discover their purpose, achieve a goal, follow a dream or make a change in their life. She also works as a personal consultant to passion projects or projects seeking to impact change in the world.

Erin's skill set comes from 9 years as a management consultant guiding corporate transformation projects, specializing in change management and organization effectiveness. She combines this background with her history of personal transformation trainings, practices and experiences such as dream work, storytelling, meditation, creative writing, guided imagery work, ritual, shamanic journeying, vision quests, expeditions in nature, long term travel and living abroad.

In 2012, Erin sold her house, car, most of her belongings and quit her corporate job to go on a journey of self-discovery in South America. This had her wandering through several countries and living in Argentina for 2 years as she discovered her passion for nature, adventure and the transformation that comes about when we explore the unknown and embrace creativity.

Treating herself like a client, she has used her skill set and personal practices to change her life to one where she discovered and is living her purpose. She is currently writing her first book about her story, including a workbook to help guide others.

Erin believes we all have the opportunity to design a life around our passions.
She believes the best thing we can do for ourselves, those around us and the world is to be the most authentic version of ourselves at any given time.
She believes the resulting state of being when we are doing that is what we call happiness.

Follow her on instagram at @erinkmac where she likes to share both visual and written musings from travels, adventures in nature and everyday life.

March 9, 2017

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February 9, 2017
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