
Elizabeth Rizor

Changing Carolina Peer Leaders Vice President, wellness advocate, Gamecock, and data nerd

Elizabeth Rizor hails from Agoura Hills, CA but decided to become a student at the more inconveniently located but better USC, the University of South Carolina. Since enrolling as a Gamecock at the university's honors college, she has become an advocate for mental health and general wellness on campus. She recently served as the Mental Health Chair and is now the Vice President of the Changing Carolina Peer Leaders and hopes to use her position to promote understanding and conversation about mental health issues among her peers.In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in medicine, public health, bioinformatics, or science journalism. Having studied abroad in Spain, she is passionate about the Spanish language and volunteered as an interpreter at a local clinic in Columbia. She also has explored her interests in health-related data analysis through working as a research assistant in her university's motor behavior and neuroimaging laboratory as well as attending the University of Colorado's summer institute in biostatistics. In her free time, she likes to cook, hike and camp with her friends, exercise, play the fiddle, and sing obnoxiously at random moments.

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