
Halle Eavelyn

Transformational Coach, Author, Speaker, Tour Leader

A personal note from Halle: People always ask me, Why did you start coaching? How do you do what you do? I started down this path over a decade ago. Guests would come on my tours and want the kind of transformation they had read about on Elizabeth Gilberts Eat Pray Love journey, and they would say, I have this week (or two) of vacation and I want to transform my life can you help? I was an atheist until I went to Egypt the first time, and then, literally, my life changed in one breath. And thats the truth we are all one breath away from enlightenment; the question is: Which breath? So I knew if I could get you to a place of letting go, of releasing the resistance and the tight hold you have on the controls of your life (that thing that our egos tell us is the only thing keeping us sane), you could get on the path of your own best journey in your business and your life. When I first started using the tools I had been taught on my own seekers quest, I began to be guided in that work, too. Its like your soul talks to my soul and tells me what to say that gives you the most transformation. For a long time, I didnt fully trust that guidance, because (perhaps like you) Im so logical, and I want to be able to SEE it to believe it, but its become second nature to me now, so I no longer question how, I am just fully in gratitude that I hear the answers you need to shift. However we work together, Im looking forward to sharing the next part of your journey with you. You can learn more about me at and

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