
Liz Thompson

I'm a consultant, lawyer, writer, speaker, motivator, sharing stories of struggle and success for the hope-full, happy life

I live with passion. I am a sustainability consultant, lawyer, writer, speaker and motivator. I divide my time between Barbados and New York.My first motivational book, "Make Yourself Happy" will be out soon. Find me on my website: on my blog LizOnLife-Site IG @lizthompsonlife at Facebook at am a former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. In Barbados, I was a Minister and Senator. I work in energy, environment, sustainability, and sustainable development, and SDGs. I also work on matters relating to Small Island Developing States. I speak to motivate or on development issues at conferences, seminars and workshops, and engage in consultancy projects for companies, NGOs and governments.

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August 23, 2017
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