
Johanna Whitaker

Curious Traveller, Ocean Lover, Human Rights Advocate

Travelling the world has filled me with both hope and despair. The kindness of humans and communities on a personal level is overwhelming. The state of this planet, environmentally, politically and on a humanitarian level is devastating.Spending time with the aboriginal people in Australia I learnt about their issues with integration, domestic violence and alcoholism. The indigenous people also taught me how to live off the land and the value of nature. In India I experienced poverty and the fierce entrepreneurial spirit that drives them. The deep racial divide still prominent in south Africa, but the strong sense of community in the townships. The genocide aftermath in Cambodia, but the deep spiritual peace and resilience of the survivors. The poverty, street children and child workers in both Bolivia and Rio, juxtaposed with streets filled with art and music. The Chinese occupation in Tibet, yet the devotion to their faith and culture remains. The sex tourism and corruption in Thailand and Indonesia with peaceful religion and celebrations prominent. The lack of basic human needs in rural Nicaragua, yet communities filled with laughter and generosity.I have witnessed some of the worlds toughest living conditions, which has sparked a fierce determination in me to play an active role in supporting humans around the world. Being privileged enough to travel gave me insights and awareness I couldnt have absorbed from my home country. Travel has changed my beliefs and has taught me lessons that Ive integrated into everything I do.After spending many years living out of a bag, Ive moved back to London to manage the social media team for a global charity and study a Masters in Creative Writing.Blog: www.visionsofjohanna.orgInstagram: JohannaW

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