
Jonathan Adelman

Dr. Jonathan Adelman is a full professor at the Josef Korbel School at the University of Denver

Dr. Adelman is a full professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He received all of his degrees from B.A. to PhD. at Columbia University in Russian and Chinese studies. He has written or edited 12 books. He also has authored over 100 op-eds, published by Huffington Post, among others. He has been an honorary professor at both Peking University and People's University in Beijing. Professor Adelman has taught at a number of universities, including Hebrew University and University of Haifa in Israel.The U.S. State Department has sent Professor Adelman on speaking tours to 19 countries, including China, Russia, Turkey, England, Argentina and Chile. He has spent eight years working on Defense Department contracts for Science Applications International Corporation. Professor Adelman spent 3 years working for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in a successful effort to gain diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. In addition to teaching, he is currently working on another book and is the President of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. Dr. Adelman is a regular contributor to Voice of America, in discussions of events in Russia, China and the Middle East.

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