
Karen Feridun

Founding member of Pennsylvanians Against Fracking & Founder of Berks Gas Truth

Karen Feridun is the Founder of Berks Gas Truth, a grassroots community organization opposed to shale gas drilling. She represents her organization on the steering committees of Americans Against Fracking, the Stop the Frack Attack Network, and Pennsylvanians Against Fracking, a coalition she co-founded. She is working with an international team planning the Permanent Peoples Tribunal on Fracking in the US and UK in 2017. In December, she spoke about the plans for the tribunal at an international conference on fracking held in Paris in conjunction with COP21. Her organization has coordinated several statewide campaigns including one that led to the PA Democratic State Committee to vote in favor of a statewide moratorium on fracking. Her organization has tabled at Farm Aid twice and, via the Guacamole Fund, at Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, and Crosby, Stills, and Nash concerts. She has written and spoken frequently on issues related to shale gas development and related infrastructure. She has written and spoken frequently on fracking and related infrastructure issues.

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August 5, 2017
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