
Kelly Burton

Top Philanthropic Advisor | Start-up Founder | Social Change Agent

Political scientist, serial entrepreneur, change agent and social critic. Kelly Burton is a modern-day renaissance woman who leads with passion, purpose and vision. She is the founder of Nexus Research Group, a social impact firm that works with foundations and large-scale non-profits to help them catalyze change in local communities. Kelly is also the founder of Bodyology, a tech-based apparel company dedicated to creating clothes for active women on-the-go. Her newest venture is Founders of Color, a digital platform committed to helping minority entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. Today, Founders of Color has more than 1,400 users. In addition to her entrepreneurial endeavors, she is a regular contributor for the HuffPost and serves on several local and national boards. She has two hard-earned degrees, a BA from Clark Atlanta University and a PhD from Emory University, both in Political Science.Kelly Burton is a sought after speaker whose unique life experiences gives her powerful insight into the range of issues and topics relevant to the modern-day business leader. Her love for entrepreneurship is infectious and she is passionate about sharing her story with others looking to blaze their own path. Kelly is evidence that women can lead in multiple areas of life, all at the same time. For more information on Kelly Burton, visit For more information on Founders of Color, visit For more information on Nexus Research Group, visit

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