
Liz Lewis

Freelance writer, wife, mother and self-appointed CEO of my home. ADHD, neurotic, wine drinking lady of leisure.

Professionally, I am a part-time paralegal specializing in medical research and writing.

But in my other life I am a blogger, girlfriend, wife, mother, and self appointed CEO of my home serving what often feels like the rest of the world.

I have always known I wanted to connect with people. After being unable to find a teaching job I turned to my writing. My website was designed to support and entertain women living and parenting with ADHD.

Through understanding, encouragement and laughter, I provide a dose of healthy distraction from our crazy, disorganized, eccentric daily lives. Because only women can understand what it is like to be a wife, mother and working professional (on top of chef, maid, and all the other 1 million hats we wear) trying to make it through her day.

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