
Manning Sumner

Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Manning Sumner was born into fitness. He could throw a football before he could walk. His parents had him involved in training at a very young age, everything from nutrition to exercise. He received a scholarship to play football at Auburn University, lettered three years as a linebacker/fullback, and completed a Degree in Health Promotions. Manning continued his passion for fitness and served as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama and personal trainer to professional and amateur athletes.

After moving to Miami, Manning began to train a variety of clients from entertainers, athletes, and career individuals of all fitness levels. Manning recognizes that every person has individual fitness levels and goals. He drives success into his clients by infusing his passion and energy into every session and class.

Manning launched a top of the line fitness facility Legacy Fit in 2008 located in Miami, FL. He has personally trained many NFL players in the past three years, exceeding expectations and preparing them to have the best season possible. In 2011, he teamed up with Blue Print Basketball and Miami Flexibility to train over 30 NBA players, receiving rave reviews from agents and players for his ability to elevate them to their highest level and improve all aspects of their game.

Manning is best known for creating a unique fitness program called, No Days Off that provides people with all the tools to change their lives in only 84 days. Trusted by hundreds of top celebrities, NFL, and NBA athletes, Manning Sumners no nonsense approach to fitness success helps people reach their fitness goals, boost their energy levels and give them a renewed lease on life.

September 30, 2012

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