
Marilyn Mosby

Baltimore's former top prosecutor

Once the youngest chief prosecutor of any major American city, Marilyn J. Mosby oversaw the prosecution of hundreds of thousands of criminal cases in one of the most violent cities in America. Through her visionary leadership as the 25th states attorney for Baltimore, she single-handedly spearheaded a progressive criminal justice reform movement in this country that put her office at the forefront of ensuring police accountability, drug reform and racial justice in this country. Shes bold, innovative and battle-tested. She gave the country permission to not only charge police officers but to also convict them. In her pursuit of ensuring that America lives up to its ideals of justice, freedom and equality for all, shes courageously and unapologetically challenged status quo systems, policies and politicians seeking to oppress people of color in this country. Having run the largest law firm in Baltimore for eight years, she now uses her wealth of knowledge, legal experience and political acumen to consult entertainers, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and corporations as the founder and managing partner of Mahogany Elite Consulting, LLC.

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