
Martie Sirois

TGNC advocate, founder of S.E.A.R.CH., mom of 3,

With a 30+ year career performing in theatre, Martie Todd Sirois now spends most of her free time writing on a variety of topics, and is currently collaborating with a producer to write a one-woman show. In addition to HuffPost, Martie's writing has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Medium, The Good Men Project, NPR syndicates, and SiriusXM Insight's Tell Me Everything with John Fuglesang. Martie serves on The Family Equality Council, and speaks on gender diversity whenever she can. She has presented for Safe Schools of NC (annual LGBT Conference for Educators), and as a guest lecturer at NCSU, among other places. Martie is the founder & program manager of S.E.A.R.CH. (Safe Environment for the Acceptance of Rainbow CHildren), a program of the LGBT Center of Raleigh, that serves as a playgroup for TGNC children and discussion group for parents. Martie enjoys free time with her husband Matt, their three lovely children, their Amstaff/Boxer mix, Deuce, and their 2 cats, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. Connect on Twitter @TheMartieSirois, or visit her online at:

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