
Megan Devine

author of "It's OK That You're Not OK"

Megan Devine is on a mission to help people love each other better.A Pacific Northwest writer, speaker, and grief advocate, she is the founder of Refuge In Grief, a hub of grief education and outreach, where she leads people through some of the most devastating times of their lives. Together with her team, she facilitates a growing catalog of courses, events, and trainings to help grieving people, and those who wish to support them, learn the skills they need to carry pain that cannot be fixed.Megan is the author of the new book, Its OK That Youre Not OK: Meeting Grief & Loss in a Culture that Doesnt Understand. She has been featured widely in the media, including Huffington Post, Bustle Magazine, Psychology Today, Modern Loss, and The Manifest-Station, and in dozens of podcasts and radio appearances.

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