
Melissa Benaroya, LICSW

Melissa is a Parent Coach, Speaker & Author who supports parents in find more ease, confidence and enjoyment in parenting. Find her at

Melissa Benaroya MSW, LICSW, Certified Gottman Educator is a licensed clinical social worker with 16 years of experience working with children and families. Melissa has a Masters degree in Social Work, is a Credentialed School Counselor and is trained in Positive Discipline. She is also a Certified Gottman Educator offering the Bringing Baby Home Program for families with young children and workshops on Emotion Coaching. Melissa practices as a parenting consultant, coach, and speaker to groups and individuals by blending her clinical training with her knowledge of child development and discipline. In 2011 she co-authored the book The Childproof Parent.Melissa is the co-founder of GROW Parenting and Mommy Matters Seattle. She is also the founder of Greenlake Moms, a community group and Childproof Parenting, an online course for parents of toddlers and preschoolers. Melissa lives in Seattle with her husband and two children and keeps her sanity with an active lifestyle of running and pilates!

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