
Michelle Sweezey

Director of Sarcastic Truth. Writer of all things, master of none. English Professor. Mom. Wife. Student of Life.

Im a lifelong athlete and have been moving since my feet first hit the ground. I spent the better part of the last two decades working in the education and training and development arenas and running myself into the ground before I finally found myself at yoga, got a (new and improved) view on life and got cozy with a friend called CHANGE.In 2013 I left my job as a school administrator, cashed out my retirement, said a prayer, crossed my fingers, did a money dance, set some intentions, and opened myself up to possibility from the universe. I've been trying to figure out what to be when I grow up since. During my journey Ive become a Registered Yoga Teacher, went on a Seva Safari with the Africa Yoga Project in South Africa, and started and quit several careers. I have grown my writing from a passion to a profession, discovered that oversharing online is my kind of jam, failed at staying with anything mainstream, and along the way, married my best friend. Together, were building a movement to help others get out of their comfort zones to find the best version of themselves by getting real, authentic, and wild.When Im not writing or facilitating the development of bodies and minds somewhere, I am usually off adventuring with my family, socializing on the grid, or getting an exercise-induced endorphin fix on the trail, the mat, and by lifting heavy objects. Michelle explores her love affair with words, life and grammatically correct profanity at ICTFD, elephantjournal, Scary Mommy, or via Girls on the Grid.

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