
Maryjo Oster, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Maryjo Oster, Ph.D., is a Research Scientist in the Implementation Research program area at Child Trends. She is a researcher and evaluator in the areas of education and mental, behavioral, sexual, and reproductive health with experience in school, community, and military settings. Her interests include the promotion and implementation of evidence-based programs and practices, and the translation and dissemination of research and evaluation findings into policy and action. Her recent work includes federally and foundation-funded projects supporting teen pregnancy prevention and expectant and parenting teen programs, investigating Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education (HMRE) programs, and improving programmatic inclusivity of LGBTQ youth. Prior to arriving at Child Trends, Dr. Oster managed a best practices registry for suicide prevention programs and practices at Education Development Center, directed a Congressionally-mandated study of substance use disorders in the U.S. Armed Forces for the Institute of Medicine, and served as the evaluator for a CDC-sponsored statewide teen pregnancy prevention initiative with the Pennsylvania Coalition to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Dr. Oster has a Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Policy from the Pennsylvania State University; her doctoral dissertation research examined sex education policies and programs and the influences behind their design or adoption.

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