
Russ Belville

Host of The Marijuana Agenda on YouTube, a live weekday news/talk program all about cannabis. Learn more at

With over 3,000 podcast hours and 400 published writing credits with, NORML, HIGH TIMES, Marijuana Politics, and more, Russ Belville is one of the leading experts on the emerging legal marijuana industry, the science of cannabis, and the community and culture around it. Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann says, "Nobody tells the history of marijuana and its prohibition like Russ Belville does." NORML's Dr. Mitch Earleywine says, "Russ Belville has his thumb on the pulse of marijuana reform.. the ideal "go to" guy for anybody interested in [cannabis]." Canada's Prince of Pot, Marc Emery, says, "I think Russ Belville is the best commentator out there regarding our movement, and all his writings are very, very good." Russ is based in the United States and travels extensively, with the goal of performing and reporting from marijuana legalization events in all fifty states. For show information and appearance bookings, contact Russ via Twitter or Facebook.

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