
Sandy Peckinpah

Author, Speaker, Focus on Resilience, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

Sandy Peckinpah is a writer and author of 4 books and a blog. She's a frequent broadcaster on Livestream, Her broadcasts focus on inspiring people to recognize their own stories of life, loss, and triumph. Sandy worked with her late husband, Emmy nominated television producer and screenwriter, David Peckinpah. She was inspired to write her first book after her daughter was born with a facial defect. Roseythe Imperfect Angel is an illustrated children's fairy tale with the message of celebrating our imperfections. It was recorded as a CD by Emmy and Tony-winning producer Michael Alden and starring Melissa Gilbert, best known for her role as Laura Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie. The CD made it all the way to the Grammy Ballot in 2009.Her newest book, How to Survive the Worst that Can Happen, is a parents guide to healing after the loss of a child. It's based on her own experience in the tragic loss of her 16 year old son. It has won 9 book awards, the most recent being the Readers Favorite Silver Award for 2015.In writing and in speaking, Sandy shares her compelling story, her amazing real life cast of characters, and her passion for helping people rise up through life's difficult times and transition to be motivated, successful, and happy.

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