
Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC

Coach & Trainer of Diversity Champions & Changemakers | Speaker | Author

I coach and train diversity champions, changemakers and leaders to higher levels of professional effectiveness and personal satisfaction. I help leaders and organizations solve a pressing problem or go from good to great through the power of inclusive leadership. Ive spent 25 years garnering meaningful results for employers and clients across the U.S. and abroad in multiple sectors including nonprofit, corporate, healthcare, education and government. I feel most alive during moments of awe, awwwww!, ah-HA! and ha-ha-ha! and facilitating such moments for others. Im proud to have been featured at TEDxABQ 2012 speaking on "Diversity is Necessary for Human Evolution. Descended from a long line of oddballs and creatives, Im both artist and scientist, and a big picture thinker with an eye for detail. Im equally at home contemplating the forest and digging in the weeds. I relish my identities as chameleon, stereotype buster and injector of whimsy. More at

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