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Posted: 2017-12-14T00:59:38Z | Updated: 2017-12-14T17:45:48Z

Around this time of year the question that often comes up is:

Should we tell our kids the truth about Santa Clause?

","type":"video","meta":{"author":"The Parenting Junkie","author_url":"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC53ONFvWH0hU985xkjVLSwQ","cache_age":86400,"description":"Should you tell the truth about Santa? It's a question that comes up over and over this time of year. But I believe the answer applies to more than just Santa. \n\nVisit the FULL Blog post here: http://www.theparentingjunkie.com/single-post/2017/12/04/Should-You-Tell-the-TRUTH-About-Santa\n\nIf youve found this helpful or interesting, please share it. I would love their if this resonates for you, and what your approach has \n \nI realize that my own approach to these ideas may not be popular, and I know its a topic many people have strong feelings about - so, as with all my content - please only take what resonates for you. Ill share my on approach and thoughts here:\n \nWhilst I think story and imaginary play are wonderful, I dont believe children benefit from these being presented as truths. Heres why:\n \nI want my children to know, without a hint of doubt, that what I tell them is always the rock solid truth (to the best of my knowledge). I want them to know that if were playing imaginary games we are all in on it. I have often felt the burn of being the runt of a joke that everyone was in on, except me. Have you ever been in a situation where everyone knew it was a joke, except you? As someone who values honesty, authenticity and truth - I want my children to know I value it and to have every reason to trust in me that I give them the best, most reliable information I have access to. \n \nIt is my belief that magic, ritual, story and imagination are not depleted at all by knowing that its play. Kids are geniuses at suspending their disbelief. The idea that we have to pretend something is real, and shield children from the truth that it is in fact play, is an adultism. Its our own limitation of mind that leads us to think the magic would be somehow dimishined if we claimed to the idea that its real. I think children absolutely feel that just because something scientifically doesnt exist in the actual factual world doesnt diminish from the game - just watch any situation of children playing house and youll see they dont need things to be real, for them to be meaningful and fun. \n \nI think children deserve our credit as complex, deep thinkers. The idea that presenting something as an idea, or a belief, or a gray area would somehow confuse them, paints children as incompetent, simplistic thinkers. I think they are able to differentiate between science, reality, fantasy, belief, story, imagination, play - and still interweave these seamlessly in a way that is enviable to us adults. But I also think that when someone is asking for the truth, they deserve it. Ive said this about the truth about sex, death and - heres a really easy one - Santa Clause. In all of these instances, if youre not inclined to volunteer the information that this isnt real, at least consider relinquishing it if asked. \n \nIf youre worried this means you cant enjoy religious ceremonies or rituals without being truthful - au contraire! Enjoy the family ritual! Enjoy the game of it! Indulge in the story, the fun, the imagination and the ceremony Just as you would enjoy a great movie, a play, a game of chess or playing lions or a game of tag. You - and your children - might even enjoy it even more if theyre not anxious about how things work. Often children get caught up in the anxiety of not knowing if something is real or not. They curious little scientists who are out for good quality information How does Santa fit everyone in? How does he fly through the air? When they cant get their answers on how this thing actually works they may feel nervous or confused. However, when they know its a game, it liberates them to enjoy the magic of the story without worrying about the details. \n \nIf youd like to adopt this approach, but arent sure how, here are some things you might say:\n \nSanta isnt real in the real world, but he can be real in our imaginations\n \nA lot of people like to pretend Santa is real, do you?\n \nSanta is a story we can believe in and act out on Christmas! Would you like to?\n \nYou might share the history of Santa, the various Santa-like traditions around the world. You might authentically share that many children dont know hes not real. You might share stories about your own Santa experiences growing up. \n \nIf youve already pretended he is real and are wanting to move into a more authentic approach, you might gently bring up some questions:\n \nIts fun to believe in Santa, isnt it?\n \nDo you feel Santa is real? What other stories do you like to pretend are real?\n \nOr even: I know in the passed Ive pretended hes real, but I did want you to know its a game were playing, OK?","provider_name":"YouTube","thumbnail_height":720,"thumbnail_url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/38MJH4ShavE/maxresdefault.jpg","thumbnail_width":1280,"title":"LoveParenting: The TRUTH about SANTA","type":"video","url":"https://action.news/watch?v=38MJH4ShavE","version":"1.0"},"flags":[],"fullBleed":false,"options":{"theme":"news","device":"mobile","editionInfo":{"id":"us","name":"U.S.","link":"https://action.news","locale":"en_US"},"originalEdition":"us","isMapi":false,"isAmp":false,"isVideoEntry":false,"isEntry":true,"isMt":false,"entryId":"5a31c9fce4b0b73dde46aa0b","entryPermalink":"https://action.news/entry/the-truth-about-santa_b_5a31c9fce4b0b73dde46aa0b","entryTagsList":"@health_depression,@health_erectile,@health_ibs,@health_models","sectionSlug":"contributor","deptSlug":null,"sectionRedirectUrl":"https://action.news/news/topic/contributor","subcategories":"","isWide":false,"headerOverride":null,"noVideoAds":false,"disableFloat":false,"isNative":false,"commercialVideo":{"provider":"custom","site_and_category":"us.contributor","package":null},"isHighline":false,"vidibleConfigValues":{"cid":"60afc111dcf87c2cd2f5d8bf","overrides":{"front_page_top_videos":{"desktop":"60b64354b171b7444beaff4d","mobileweb":"60b64354b171b7444beaff4d"},"top_media":{"desktop":"60b8e6bdc5449357a7ada147","mobile":"60b8e701c5449357a7ada2ee","iphone":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","ipad":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","androidphone":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c","androidtablet":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c"},"anthology":{"desktop":"60b8e616cdd90620331bb0ba","mobile":"60b8e671c5449357a7ad9f66","iphone":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","ipad":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","androidphone":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c","androidtablet":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c"},"content":{"desktop":"60b8e616cdd90620331bb0ba","mobile":"60b8e671c5449357a7ad9f66","iphone":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","ipad":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","androidphone":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c","androidtablet":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c"}},"playerUpdates":{"5668ae6ee4b0b5e26955d6a6":"60d2472d9340d7032ad7e443","56aa41bae4b091744c0440d8":"60e869dc7c5f3b17b6741b81","5841b2b5cc52c716ec6e5a7f":"60b8e355cdd90620331ba185","58b5e2b8d85a10302feee895":"60b64316b171b7444beafdb2","58b74698f78ced31417819ae":"60b8e5bec5449357a7ad9b52","58b74ccecebcea57e2c3a3d1":"60b8e5eac5449357a7ad9ca5","58cff690d85a100b9992bc39":"60b8e616cdd90620331bb0ba","58cffb3fb6d9b972a49a3c9d":"60b8e643cdd90620331bb1f6","58cffdd74d96935d7d6ec180":"60b8e671c5449357a7ad9f66","58d03a84f78ced6518eb2fa7":"60b643c82e76be41f112735c","592edf20e0fa177b0c26f7fd":"60b8e699c5449357a7ada04c","5b35266b158f855373e28256":"60b64354b171b7444beaff4d","5c116f29f79c4171d82b7c2a":"60b64440b171b7444beb040b","5c1170fc600c9a697bf0c6b9":"60b646102e76be41f1127ffc","5c47791afa1b317df8ae0c4f":"60b8e6bdc5449357a7ada147","5c477987a6b48b35f164773d":"60b8e701c5449357a7ada2ee","5c4779ee943c3c2a64f28371":"60b8e747cdd90620331bb861","5c477a26fcd67b26879bc7c2":"60b8e788c5449357a7ada67b","5d8921a78c3ae845f366c9b6":"60ae7be5f3a7c13a30417ff9","58b98b00ba82aa39a6534321":"60d0de7c9340d7032ad1146c","58b9d14cb6d9b96c9ec32af3":"60d0dec19340d7032ad115a0","58cff8eccebcea42931e0436":"60d0e005b627221e9d819d44","592edf5de0fa177b0c26f95b":"60d0e38fb627221e9d81adcf","58cff72fd85a100b9992c112":"60d0e447b627221e9d81b0da","56b4d34fe4b022697697c400":"60d2472d9340d7032ad7e443","60b8e4c0c5449357a7ad957d":"60e869dc7c5f3b17b6741b81"}},"connatixConfigValues":{"defaultPlayer":"ff7fdddc-5441-4253-abc4-f12a33fad58b","clickToPlayPlayer":"d014396e-b366-4c17-aeac-3ce906fa3fd0","videoPagePlayer":"f010447b-d244-4111-a314-7b4542ae4145","verticalPlayer":"e58cb05a-0bc8-4210-9108-fea82726c065","stickyPlayerControl":"52ea1755-d601-4ad1-bccc-d8cce3f0e5da","stickyPlayerON":"8055e9e5-3bda-4933-8d45-9ad814fb6e22"},"topConnatixThumnbailSrc":"","customAmpComponents":[],"ampAssetsUrl":"https://amp.assets.huffpost.com","videoTraits":null,"positionInUnitCounts":{"buzz_head":{"count":0},"buzz_body":{"count":0},"buzz_bottom":{"count":0}},"positionInSubUnitCounts":{"article_body":{"count":4},"blog_summary":{"count":0},"before_you_go_content":{"count":0}},"connatixCountsHelper":{"count":0},"buzzfeedTracking":{"context_page_id":"5a31c9fce4b0b73dde46aa0b","context_page_type":"buzz","destination":"huffpost","mode":"mobile","page_edition":"en-us"},"tags":[],"isLiveblogLive":null,"isLiveblog":false,"cetUnit":"buzz_body","bodyAds":["