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Posted: 2010-03-18T09:12:02Z | Updated: 2017-12-07T02:59:36Z Tiger Woods Car Accident: Alleged Affair, Mistress, Wife Fight (UPDATE, PHOTOS) | HuffPost

Tiger Woods Car Accident: Alleged Affair, Mistress, Wife Fight (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

Tiger Woods Injured In Car Accident (PHOTOS)
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UPDATE: Click HERE for the list of Tiger Woods' alleged mistresses -- photos, info, more!

UPDATE, 1:32 AM: Rumors have surfaced that Jamie Jungers, a Las Vegas model, has been involved with Tiger Woods. Click here for possible photos of the blonde.

UPDATE, 12/5 4:15 AM: Read about Tiger Woods' erotic dream -- involving an alleged mistress, Derek Jeter and Bones star David Boreanaz -- here .

UPDATE, 1:01 PM: As if the Tiger Woods saga were missing any characters, Ashley Dupre, the central character of Eliot Spitzer's scandal, has shared her views to the New York Post:

"Here you have all these girls accepting gifts, money, trips from Tiger in exchange for sex -- all the while knowing he is married. And now they all can't wait to tell their stories in exchange for even more money from the tabloids? And I was the hooker? At least I kept my mouth shut."

Click here for more.

UPDATE, 12:58 PM: The daughter of Rachel Uchitel's attorney believes the alleged mistress of Tiger Woods canceled the press conference because she made a deal with Woods worth "at least a million dollars." Click here for more.

UPDATE, 11:11 AM: At least four nearly-nude photos of Jaimee Grubbs, one of Tiger Woods' alleged mistresses, exist. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 4:16 AM: TMZ reports that Tiger Woods has not paid Rachel Uchitel any money to remain silent about their alleged affair:

Sources say Rachel became "scared for her safety" because she knows so much about Tiger, his alleged affairs and a variety of other Woods matters. We're told Tiger confided in Rachel ... she knows specifics about "other women," as well as information about Tiger's marriage.

Click here for more.

UPDATE, 12/4 4:12 AM: A leaked email appears to confirm that Tiger Woods' childhood friend, Byron Bell, arranged a flight for Rachel Uchitel, an alleged mistress of the golfer, to join Woods in Australia last month. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 7:48 PM: RadarOnline.com has a new post reporting that Jaimee Grubbs (PHOTOS , MORE PHOTOS ), one of Tiger Woods' alleged mistresses, works at a medical marijuana pharmacy in Studio City, Calif.

UPDATE, 3:04 PM: RadarOnline.com reports that Rachel Uchitel, the first of three women who have been linked to Woods in the past eight days, has saved hundreds of messages from Woods. The messages were sent during their five-month relationship and "many were of a highly sexual nature," according to the article.

UPDATE, 2:42 PM: According to UsMagazine.com, alleged Woods mistress Jaimee Grubbs says that the golfer "was very insecure" about his calves. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 2:39 PM: The Daily Beast's Gerald Posner writes that Woods is working out the details of a substantial payment to his wife:

A lawyer familiar with the hastily conducted negotiations of the past 72 hours said that as of Wednesday evening Elin has been offered a $5 million payment immediately if she agrees to stay -- and her prenuptial agreement is being revised to give her up to an additional $55 million.

Click here for more.

UPDATE, 12:31 PM: Uchitel canceled her press conference at which she was reportedly planning to confess to having an affair with Woods. One report says that Tiger's reps are offering a $1-million payout if Uchitel keeps quiet. TMZ meanwhile, says that Woods and Uchitel spoke last night and that as of that time no payout had been offered. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 4:48 AM: The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Woods is paying his wife "a hefty seven-figure amount" to stay with him. The article says that other financial benefits are heading his wife's way, as well:

On top of that, my source indicated Elin Nordegren Woods, the mother of Tiger's two children, has demanded -- and is getting -- a total rewrite on the couple's prenuptial agreement making the incentives for her to remain Mrs. Tiger Woods even more enticing.

Click here for more.

UPDATE, 12/3 4:38 AM: Rachel Uchitel, an alleged mistress of Tiger Woods, will admit to the relationship in a press conference today, according to RadarOnline.com. Uchitel has previously denied rumors about their relationship.

New photos of another alleged mistress, Jaimee Grubbs, have surfaced . An ex-boyfriend tells RadarOnline.com that he and Grubbs made a sex tape. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 2:22 PM: Spirit Airlines has gotten in on the fun by releasing an ad inspired by Woods' car accident. Click here to see it.

UPDATE, 1:06 PM: The police released photographs of Woods' smashed car. Click here for large versions of the crash photos.

According to the AP, the crash inflicted $3,200 worth of damage on the fire hydrant and tree Woods struck.

Meanwhile, TMZ reports that Woods' wife called one of his alleged mistresses, Jaimee Grubbs, on Friday:

Jaimee says she answered and asked who was on the line. Jaimee says the caller -- a woman -- did not identify herself but said, "You know who this is because you're f**king my husband."

UPDATE, 10:23 AM: Tiger Woods has issued an apology on his web site:

I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

Click here for the rest.

UPDATE, 9:36 AM: A voicemail allegedly left by Tiger Woods for Jaimee Grubbs, who claims to have had a 31-month affair with the golfer, has been released. Listen here .

UPDATE, 12/2 8:46 AM: Meet Kalika Moquin , the latest woman who allegedly hooked up with Tiger Woods. Click HERE for a photos of Kalika Moquin.

UPDATE, 6:54 PM: RadarOnline.com has obtained what it says are sexual text messages that Tiger Woods sent to one of his alleged mistresses, cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs.

"I will wear you out...when was the last time you got (bleeped)?" one message read.

Another one from Tiger read, "Send me something very naughty...Go to the bathroom and take (a picture)."

The RadarOnline.com post is here .

UPDATE, 3:13 PM: The AP has more on the Tiger Woods citation:

The Florida Highway Patrol says it will issue Tiger Woods a careless driving citation for a car crash outside his Orlando-area mansion last week.

Maj. Cindy Williams said Tuesday that will close the investigation and no criminal charges are being pursued. Woods faces a $164 fine.

According to a patrol accident report, Woods crashed his SUV into a fire hydrant and a tree at 2:25 a.m. Friday. The airbags did not deploy and Woods' wife told Windermere police she used a golf club to smash the back windows to help him out.

UPDATE, 3:02 PM: Tiger Woods has been issued a traffic citation, but no subpoena will be sought. More coming...

UPDATE, 2:45 PM: UsMagazine.com says that tomorrow they will post a voicemail Woods left alleged mistress Jaimee Grubbs. According to UsMagazine.com, Woods suggests in the voicemail that his wife knows about the alleged affair. Click here for a photo of Jaimee Grubbs.

UPDATE, 2:19 PM: TMZ reports that the Florida Highway Patrol will attempt to have charges filed against Tiger Woods.

We are told the FHP will announce the case is against Tiger -- not his wife. We do not know if the FHP will arrest Tiger or refer the case to prosecutors.

We know FHP was investigating whether Tiger was driving his SUV under the influence.

Click here for the rest of TMZ's post.

UPDATE, 2:02 PM: Fox 411 has written a post alleging that Tiger Woods was seen leaving a hotel room with a woman -- not his wife -- in 2008:

"A little over a year ago Tiger was in a room at a hotel in Miami, about 90 minutes from his home," the source said. "The room was guarded by two guards with earpieces looking very professional in suits. Tiger exited the room with a dark-haired woman, not his wife, giving his security guards the evil eye when he realized someone else was in the hall seeing him."

Click here for the rest.

UPDATE, 1:54 PM: TMZ is reporting that Us Weekly has learned that a woman named Jaimee Grubbs claims to have had a 31-month affair with Tiger Woods. Grubbs allegedly has text messages and voicemails to corroborate her story. Click here to see a photo of Jaimee Grubbs.

UPDATE, 1:53 PM: Click here for pictures of Tiger Woods' ex-girlfriend Joanna Jagoda.

UPDATE, 12:54 PM: RadarOnline.com is reporting that several other women claim to have had affairs with Tiger Woods. One of the women allegedly has voicemails from Woods that prove her claim.

UPDATE, 12:13 PM: Bill Sharpe, the attorney for Tiger Woods' neighbors, has addressed the media . According to Sharpe, Woods' wife asked the neighbors to call 911. Sharpe also added that the neighbors did not see any sign that Woods had been beaten or was driving under the influence, nor was his wife holding a golf club. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 11:05 AM: According to TMZ, authorities are examining whether Woods was driving under the influence when he crashed his car. However, the web site does not believe it will be an easy case to make:

But in Florida, it's almost impossible to charge someone with DUI unless someone actually sees the suspect behind the wheel, driving the vehicle. No one has come forward saying they saw Tiger driving.

UPDATE, 9:32 AM: The attorney for Tiger Woods' neighbor will speak to the media today, reports the AP :

Attorney Bill Sharpe is representing the family of Linda Adams, including her son Jarius, who is believed to be the 911 caller. The family are neighors of Tiger Woods in a luxury gated community near Orlando.

Sharpe said the family wants its privacy respected. The attorney said his partner will answer any media questions Tuesday morning at their law office in Orlando.

UPDATE, 3:37 AM: The web site Bookmaker.com is now accepting bets on various possible outcomes of the ongoing Tiger Woods situation. Here are the opening lines:






It appears the lines have shifted since then. In particular, HE WILL STAY WITH WIFE has moved from +150 to a favored -150. All of the other lines have moved somewhat, but not as drastically:

UPDATE, 12/1 3:33 AM: Here are pictures of what appears to be a new fire hydrant at the Woods residence:

UPDATE, 7:14 PM: The AP now notes that Woods' next golf event is most likely at Torrey Pines in San Diego, which is not until the last week of January. But even if he plans to lay low until then, SportsByBrooks observes that his alleged mistress, Rachel Uchitel, could force him to address the issue sooner:

One thing that is beyond Woods' control is Uchitel, who has hired Glorida Allred and will likely be all over the electronic media in coming days as she considers whether to pursue a defamation lawsuit against the Enquirer. A constant reminder of Woods' alleged affair, whether Uchitel denies it or not.

If that does happen, you would think at some point Woods would address the story publicly. Woods no doubt has weighed his legal options regarding the Enquirer story and perhaps has concluded that it wouldn't be worth risking his privacy to go to trial over the report.

UPDATE, 3:15 PM: Tiger Woods has withdrawn from his own golf tournament :

"I am extremely disappointed that I will not be at my tournament this week," Woods said. "I am certain it will be an outstanding event and I'm very sorry that I can't be there."

UPDATE, 1:30 PM: Click here for more on Rachel Uchitel, Tiger Woods' alleged mistress, who may have previously been involved with Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez.

UPDATE, 1:28 PM: SportsByBrooks highlights a Steve Lewis piece at Blackbook Magazine, which relates the following about Woods:

I was told that over the last three to five years, many a jet was occupied by Mr. Woods and his entourage, with an ex-working girl tasked to provide beauties for the beasts. Come back tomorrow for more on the working girl in question--a lady based out of Chicago who is a regular "pal" of one of Tiger's inner circle. "The jets would touch down in L.A. or Vegas or wherever the party was," said my source. I asked if Mr. Woods was partaking in the girlie action? She responded with "duh."

UPDATE, 1:17 PM: RadarOnline.com reports that Tiger Woods told his wife that she had ruined their Thanksgiving just before leaving the house and crashing his car.

UPDATE, 12:49 PM: John Daly weighs in :

"I don't really care what happened between Tiger and ... whatever happened. I'm just glad he's OK," said Daly, who will play in the Australian Open starting Thursday. "We need him, probably more than anybody on the tour, to keep things going, the way the economy is." ...

"Tiger's the biggest asset the tour's had in a long, long time," Daly said. "Whatever happened, as long as he's OK that's all that matters. Golf needs him badly ... no doubt."

UPDATE, 12:46 PM: Another interesting Accenture ad:

UPDATE, 12:26 PM: TMZ reports that earlier today a pair of Florida Highway Patrol troopers stopped by the hospital Tiger Woods visited following his car accident. TMZ also counters the Fox News report that claimed the FHP was not seeking a search warrant:

An FHP spokesperson has just said the department has not sought a search warrant for Tiger's medical records associated with his treatment. However, as TMZ first reported, the department is pursuing a warrant -- though it has not formally sought one out -- after being shut down by Tiger's lawyer.

UPDATE, 11:32 AM: Fox News reports that the Florida Highway Patrol is not pursuing a search warrant.

"We don't need a warrant to get records, that is incorrect," said Florida Highway Patrol Chief of Public Affairs Capt. Mark Welch.

More here .

UPDATE, 11:31 AM: TMZ reports that the Florida Highway Patrol is interested in obtaining surveillance video from the Woods residence. But as the post notes, "The question, even if the FHP gets a warrant for the video ... what, if any, footage exists at this point?"

UPDATE, 10:22 AM: Sponsors continue to back Woods. Darren Rovell tweets a statement from Gatorade: "We wish Tiger well as he recovers and look forward to seeing him back on the course soon. Our partnership with Tiger continues."

UPDATE, 4:42 AM: SportsByBrooks challenges the logic of TMZ's report that the Florida Highway Patrol could obtain a search warrant due to contradictory statements from Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren Woods:

TMZ reports that Nordegren's supposed contradictory statement about a golf cart she used that night during the incident could provide the evidence the FHP needs to obtain a warrant. The website notes that in its crash scene photos, there's no golf cart present: "TMZ has reviewed 21 photos from the scene -- no sign of any golf cart."

But in a WFTV.com crash scene photo, there is a golf cart.

Check out SportsByBrooks for more .

UPDATE, 12:38 AM: TMZ reports that the Florida Highway Patrol is pursuing a search warrant.

Sources tell TMZ the Florida Highway Patrol is now focusing on obtaining a search warrant -- allowing them to seize medical records from the hospital that treated Tiger Woods -- in an attempt to determine if the wounds Woods sustained are consistent with a car accident or domestic violence.

Read the rest at TMZ.

UPDATE, 11/30 12:02: SportsByBrooks argues that Nike's support of Woods gives him "cover to blow off [the] media [and] public." More:

The apparel and shoe company has already lined up behind Woods in support. That's a huge shot of credibility for the golfer with his other sponsors. Without Nike's support, perhaps other lower-profile sponsors might be apt to pull the plug on endorsement deals with Woods if the golfer didn't show up to his tournament next week - and continued to refuse to publicly address the accident and the Enquirer story.

It also occurred to me that perhaps Nike is helping to advise Woods in his current situation.

Nike's move may have given Woods cover to remain out of public sight indefinitely, and help ensure that his hundreds of millions in other endorsement agreements remain intact.

Click here for the full post.

Below is a screenshot of Accenture's web site:

UPDATE, 7:22: Tiger Woods' alleged mistress, Rachel Uchitel, has landed in Los Angeles. Click here to see pictures of Uchitel with her lawyer, Gloria Allred.

UPDATE, 5:12 PM: Rovell's report includes a new statement from Nike: "Tiger and his family have Nike's full support. We respect Tiger's request for privacy and our thoughts are with Tiger and his family at this time."

UPDATE, 4:59 PM: Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, tells CNBC's Darren Rovell that "it has been conveyed to [Florida Highway Patrol] that [Woods] simply has nothing more to add."

UPDATE, 2:59 PM: The 911 call reporting Woods' accident has been released. Click here for the audio.

UPDATE, 2:40 PM: Woods canceled his scheduled meeting with the police again . This is the third such cancelation in as many days.

UPDATE, 2:34 PM: Tiger Woods has released a statement , saying the accident is "my fault" and commending his wife for acting "courageously. Click here for more.

The statement :

As you all know, I had a single-car accident earlier this week, and sustained some injuries. I have some cuts, bruising and right now I'm pretty sore.
This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again.

This is a private matter and I want to keep it that way. Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible.

The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.

This incident has been stressful and very difficult for Elin, our family and me. I appreciate all the concern and well wishes that we have received. But, I would also ask for some understanding that my family and I deserve some privacy no matter how intrusive some people can be.

UPDATE, 2:28 PM: Click HERE for photos of Tiger Woods' alleged mistress, Rachel Uchitel.

UPDATE, 1:04 PM: TMZ has obtained photos of Woods' SUV right after the crash. See them here .

UPDATE, 10:59 AM: Woods and his wife are expected to talk with the police today :

Tiger Woods and his wife, Elin, are expected to talk to police for the first time Sunday, breaking a two-day silence that has only fueled speculation about his early morning accident, why he left the house at that hour, where he was going and whether an argument preceded the crash.

Sunday could deliver two bits of information -- what the world's No. 1 golfer has to say about the accident or perhaps the 911 tapes that the Florida Highway Patrol said it would release once authorities have reviewed the call.

Sgt. Kim Montes, the patrol spokeswoman, said she expected troopers to return to Woods' house when they report for duty around 3 p.m. Sunday. She said FHP investigations into minor collisions don't normally drag on for days, but this isn't the first time that one has stretched on.

"It's unusual, but I will say it's happened before," Montes said Sunday. "This is not the first time that we've gone back to get a statement from a driver. ... We try and give the driver every opportunity to tell us their side of the story before we complete our investigation."

Montes has said Woods is not required to give a statement, only his driver's license, insurance and registration of the SUV, which was towed to a private yard with damage to the front and both back-seat windows broken.

She declined to speculate what charges or penalties Woods might be facing.

UPDATE, 4:44 AM: Kim Montes of the Florida Highway Patrol says : "It is unusual that we haven't gotten a statement." Click here for more.

UPDATE, 2:09 AM: Brooks of SportsByBrooks asks 20 questions about the Woods accident:

1. Tiger's official Web site characterized the incident as a "minor car accident," yet his wife told police she needed to smash out the back window of his 2009 Escalade in order to rescue him. Does that sound like a "minor car accident"?

2. Why did the Florida Highway Patrol wait 11 1/2 hours to report anything about the incident to the public? The report came, perhaps not coincidentally, after Woods had received treatment and exited an Orlando hospital.

Read the rest of the questions here .

UPDATE, 11/29 12:43 AM: TMZ reports that Tiger Woods told a friend his wife had "gone ghetto" on him. More:

During the phone conversation on Friday, Tiger told his friend, "I have to run to Zales to get a 'Kobe Special.'" The person on the other end of the phone asked Tiger what a "Kobe Special" was. The reply -- "A house on a finger."

Click here for additional details from TMZ.

UPDATE, 7:23 PM: A source familiar with the situation tells the Huffington Post that Woods and his wife were arguing about his alleged affair prior to the accident.

UPDATE, 7:18 PM: SportsByBrooks has posted additional photos of Rachel Uchitel, Tiger Woods' alleged mistress.

UPDATE, 5:59 PM: Although Woods was scheduled to speak with the police today, his agent told authorities that he and his wife are not available after all. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 3:59 PM: Woods' alleged mistress, Rachel Uchitel, is considering suing the National Enquirer for defamation, according to TMZ. Click here for quotes from Uchitel, including her strong denial that she had an affair with Woods. "We have never had an affair, and the claims we did are completely false."

UPDATE, 2:59 PM: The AP reports that the Police will release the 911 tapes on Sunday.

UPDATE, 2:53 PM: Click here for photos of Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren Woods, driving a Cadillac SUV today.

UPDATE, 1:57 PM: WFTV has obtained photographs of Woods' damaged vehicle. See them here .

UPDATE, 1:19 PM: TMZ reports that Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren Woods, has already changed her story from what was said yesterday about using a golf club to remove Woods from his vehicle.

But we've learned Nordegren told a very different story to the Florida Highway Patrol, and it does not involve going back in the house for a club. Our sources will not allow us to be more specific.

Check TMZ for additional details . Click here for photos of the former model.

UPDATE, 9:39 AM: 911 tapes will not be released until Monday at the earliest, the AP reports .


UPDATE, 11/28 12:43 AM: TMZ drops a bomb , reporting that Tiger Woods' wounds came from the hands of his wife, not a car accident:

We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

We're told Woods became "distracted," thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

Read their full report here .

UPDATE, 11:32 PM: Florida Highway Patrol spokeswoman Kim Montes says "we don't believe [the incident] is a domestic issue."

"Right now we believe this is a traffic crash. We don't believe it is a domestic issue," Montes said, replying to reporters' questions. "I don't know where that is coming from. That has not been told to us."

UPDATE, 10:59 PM: Scroll down for photos of the accident scene.

UPDATE, 7:14 PM: TMZ reports that "multiple law enforcement officials" say Woods and his wife fought before the car crash. Days earlier, rumors surfaced that Woods was having an affair.

UPDATE, 6:13 PM: Windermere Police Chief Daniel Saylor says that Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren Woods, smashed the SUV open with a golf club to get Woods out of the vehicle. Click here for more.

UPDATE, 4:12 PM: Additional details in an AP update:

(AP) Tiger Woods was injured in a car accident early Friday when his car struck a tree near his mansion in a gated waterfront community, authorities said.

The Florida Highway Patrol said the 33-year-old PGA star hit the hydrant and a tree after pulling out of his driveway in his 2009 Cadillac sports utility vehicle.

The patrol reported Woods' injuries as serious, though Woods spokesman Glenn Greenspan said the golfer was treated at a hospital and released in good condition.

The patrol said alcohol was not involved, though the accident remains under investigation and charges could be filed. No one else was in the car, patrol spokeswoman Kim Montes said.

Woods' $2.4 million home is part of the exclusive Isleworth subdivision near Orlando, a community set on an Arnold Palmer-designed golf course and a chain of small lakes. The neighborhood, which is fortified with high brick walls and has its own security force, is home to CEOs and other sports stars such as the NBA's Shaquille O'Neal.

The accident happened at 2:25 a.m., though the FHP did not release the accident report until nearly 12 hours later.

Gary Bruhn, mayor of the adjacent community of Windermere, said police from that village were among the first on the accident scene and saw Woods with cuts on his face. Montes said troopers consider the injuries serious if they require more than minor medical attention.

Woods, who has won 82 times around the world and 14 majors, attended the Stanford-Cal football game, where he tossed the coin at the start of the game and was inducted into Stanford's sports Hall of Fame at halftime.

He had traveled to China and Australia earlier in the month, winning the Australian Masters on Nov. 15.

Woods was to host his tournament, the Chevron World Challenge, on Monday at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks, Calif.

He won six times this year after missing eight months recovering from reconstructive surgery on his left knee. Even though he failed to win a major, Woods said he considered this a successful year because he did not know how his knee would respond.

UPDATE, 3:31 PM: CNN is reporting that according to the mayor of Windermere, Florida, Woods has been released from the hospital. A CNN affiliate reports that Woods suffered facial lacerations.

UPDATE, 3:08 PM: MarketWatch reports that Florida's highway patrol says alcohol was not involved.

UPDATE, 3:05 PM: CNBC's Darren Rovell tweets that Woods' agent says Woods "is fine."


(AP) ORLANDO, Fla. -- Tiger Woods was seriously injured early Friday when he hit a fire hydrant and a tree near his Florida home, authorities said.

The Florida Highway Patrol said the PGA star hit the fire hydrant and tree as he pulled out of his driveway in his 2009 Cadillac sport utility vehicle.

Woods was taken to Health Central Hospital. Officials there did not have record of him as a patient, though the news release said Woods' injuries were serious.

The highway patrol said the crash is still under investigation, and charges are pending. However, the highway patrol said the crash was not alcohol-related.

Woods, 33, owns a home in the exclusive subdivision of Isleworth near Orlando. Orange County property records indicate his home is valued at $2.4 million.

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