
Family Health

How To Squeeze In A Workout From Your Couch

By Lucy D'Aguilar, Fit & Eats

Sep 27, 2019

Working out as a parent can be a challenge. Finding the time in your day to go to the gym or follow a workout video can be hard. And the #noexcuses mentality in the fitness industry just makes it feel even more daunting.

The thought that the rest of our life doesn’t matter and should be pushed to the sideline in order to squeeze in a workout makes my heart race (and not in a good way). Yes, we have dishes to wash. Yes, we have laundry to do. And yes, we are tired.

In my opinion, it shouldn’t be called making excuses — it should be called prioritizing tasks. Hour-long workouts, going to the gym and working out alone can be low on the list for some parents, but you should still prioritize some movement in the day to keep on top of your health and well-being.

Get Your Sweat On: Try This 6-Minute Animal Kingdom Workout With Your Kids

So what can this look like? Do you get on the floor to play with your kids? Do you sit on a chair or the couch throughout the day? If the answer is yes, then I have some exercises you can do at the same time! No special equipment needed, just a few minutes of your time in between chasing your little one. If you can complete each exercise 20 times that's great, but just do as much as you can fit in!

Don’t be fooled though, these moves aren’t necessarily easy. Convenient, yes, but not easy.

Pillow Raise

Grab a throw pillow and sit on your couch. Squeeze the pillow between the palms of your hands and extend the pillow in front of your chest (starting position). Exhale, keep squeezing the pillow and raise it above your head. Inhale and lower the pillow with straight arms to chest height.

Pillow Rotations

Grab a throw pillow and sit yourself on the edge of your couch. Lean back a little, keep your chest up and extend your arms in front. To make it a little harder, lift your heels off the floor (keeping your toes on the floor) or lift your feet fully off the floor. Rotate your torso to move the pillow from left to right, keeping your chest elevated and your back straight.

Leg Raises

Come to the edge of the couch, legs extended straight in front with your heels on the floor. Lean back slightly and keep your chest up. Exhale and lift both feet an inch off the floor. Your upper body should be completely still. If two legs at the same time is too hard, do one leg at a time.

Knee Lifts

Start sitting on the edge of the couch, feet planted on the floor in front with bent knees. Lean back slightly and then raise both knees up as high as you can without moving your upper body.

Side-Lying Abduction

Lay down on your side (this can be on your couch or the floor). Prop your head on a pillow or your arm and extend both legs out so your ankles and hips are in line. Exhale as you lift one leg up, pause at the top, then inhale to lower. You shouldn’t be able to lift your leg straight up to 90 degrees. If you can, then you need to rotate your top hip forwards slightly so you are using your glutes and not your hip flexors.

So stay exactly where you are, bum planted on the couch! Happy healthy workouts, parents!

Article Author Lucy D’Aguilar
Lucy D’Aguilar

Read more from Lucy here.

Lucy is the owner of an in-home and online personal training service specializing in postpartum fitness and core rehabilitation. She's a stay-at-home mama to an inquisitive little lady and an overly protective puppy which makes life very interesting. When she's not breaking up battles of whit between the two kiddies (puppy included) she's usually enjoying a cup of coffee that has been heated up about ten times. She is the self-proclaimed DIY master of her house, and loves to take on projects and gives herself a high five when she finishes it. You can find out more about her business at You can also follow her on Instagram and Facebook.