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The military operation wasn't so very scary because there were no vacuum cleaners, Conan the K-9 commando explained in a translation from Cecily Strong.
Donald Trump announced that he was killed in a US raid in Syria.
"He died like a dog," President Trump said during a news conference announcing the extremist leader's death.
The agreement shows how Trump's abandonment of the Kurds is making the U.S. less relevant in a key region.
Kurdish civilians showed they were crushed by the betrayal of US president Donald Trump's withdrawal of American forces from Syria ahead of Turkey's invasion.
Vice President Mike Pence trumpeted the deal as a "cease-fire," but Turkey disputed that characterization.
The Senate minority leader said the president berated the House speaker when she met with him to discuss his actions on Turkey.
The events in Syria could well influence the power dynamics of the Middle East for years to come.
The president also said some U.S. forces would remain in Syria, marking a reversal of his call for withdrawal from the region.