this new world

As the pandemic brought global travel to a halt, local communities and conservation efforts were left in the lurch.
A pilot plant making steel from green energy and hydrogen instead of coal could have big consequences for an industry with one of the worst environmental footprints.
Big brands are betting on a silver bullet solution to the worlds plastics pollution mess.
How the climate crisis could forever change winter, spring, summer and fall.
Indigenous People's Day 2020 offers a chance to reflect on the destructive effects of colonialism and the enduring power of traditional ways of life.
How to decode corporate climate change targets from net-zero emissions to going carbon negative.
National Geographic ecologist Enric Sala explains why protecting the planet is not a selfless act.
In West Africa, rainfall has dropped, temperatures have risen and wildlife has dwindled in one of the most biodiverse forest habitats in the world. But there is a reason for hope.
From ghost nets to dead turtles, the founder of the Ocean Voyages Institute shares what they find hauling plastic waste out of the Pacific Ocean.
In the face of climate change, these sustainable ocean crops provide a lifeline to women in this East African coastal community.