
Alexandra Constantinou

Junior, Ohio State University

Alexandra Constantinou is currently a junior in the Honors Program at Ohio State University. She is majoring in International Studies with a specialization in foreign relations & diplomacy, with minors in Modern Greek and Non-Profit Management. She has interned in Washington, DC twice in the past year and loves the diversity of the District. As the youngest participant in the John Glenn Fellowship Program, Alexandra interned at the Center for American Progress in the Economic Policy department while taking courses focusing on public policy. She then returned to DC as an intern at the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus, covering PR events on behalf of the embassy while cultivating her interests in diplomacy. She now serves as the current President of the TOMS Campus Club, where she partners with TOMS Campus Programs to help inspire students at Ohio State. She will be taking her interests in international relations to Geneva, Switzerland next semester and she looks forward to living and studying in the heart of Europe.

April 15, 2013

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