
Nick Espinosa

Equality advocate and original glitter bomber

Nick Espinosa is a 25-year-old advocate for equality. He grew up in
Northeast Minneapolis, the son of a white mother and an Ecuadorian
immigrant father, whose sudden deportation when Nick was 15 would inspire his future activism.

Following in the tradition of political theater and culture jamming of
people like the Yes Men, Espinosa has made national and international
news with creative stunts ranging from infiltrating an anti-immigrant
Tea Party rally to incite chants of "Columbus Go Home!" to dumping
glitter on Newt Gingrich in an act that has inspired numerous other
glitter bombings. This new form of protest was even featured on the
season premier of the hit TV series "Glee."

Espinosa holds a bachelors degree in social work from St. Olaf College.

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