
Summer Rayne Oakes

Founder, SugarDetox.Me; Co-founder, Le Souk |

Summer Rayne Oakes has taken an unlikely career path, having parlayed her background in environmental science and entomology with a successful career as a fashion model. Over the last five years she has co-authored the book, Style, Naturally, co-founded the award-winning materials marketplace Source4Style , served as a correspondent on Discovery Networks, and has designed environmentally-preferable collections with Payless, Portico and Modo eyewear. Broadening out from what we wear to what we eat, Oakes has been helping the Good Eggs team build grassroots level community engagement to help grow and sustain local food systems. Most recently she launched SugarDetox.Me to help guide people through a 30-day sugar detox journey; and will be releasing a new monthly inspirational podcast series called IDEA NOSH in early 2015. Summer Rayne is a graduate of Cornell University with degrees in Environmental Science and Entomology and is a Udall environmental scholar, National Wildlife Federation Fellow and PERC Environmental Fellow. Follow along on Instagram .

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